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Available every Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday Evening at 8:30pm Eastern/7:30pm Central.



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100% of all money received from Donations goes directly into our Ministry. Spreading the Gospel Message from the Studio of KRRB Revelation Radio to a potential audience of millions through our Internationally Syndicated Show. The "Last Christian" is broadcast on numerous on air and online Stations and various Platforms to all 50 US States and more than 160 Countries around the World.

Internationally Syndicated

The "Last Christian" Radio Show originates from the KRRB 1700 AM Revelation Radio Studio serving the Eastern Part of Texas. And Internationally Syndicated and broadcast on-air and online by many radio stations worldwide reaching an audience of millions via Shortwave, FM, AM, DAB and the Internet.

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Unfiltered, Uncensored, Truth

We believe strongly in the United States Constitution and as Members of the US Press Association.  Our Mission is to Provide Honest Reporting of Current Events as they pertain to Biblical Prophecy.  All in an attempt to lead people around the World to Salvation through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

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We invite you to submit any questions or comments you may have about the Bible, Our Programming, Hosts, Guests or subjects.  Always striving to answer them based on Bible Scripture, the Teachings of Christ, Prophecy, and Fully Verified, Credible Information. Simply E-Mail 


Prayer Request

As Christians it is our responsibility to encourage and support every person seeking a personal relationship with God.  Should you have any challenge in your life, the need of comfort or support .  Please feel free to write with your Prayer Request. 

Prayer Request
man in white crew neck t-shirt sitting on black office rolling chair

Who Is 

The Answer to that question is only known to God. But, when that last individual accepts Jesus Christ as their Personal Savior. We believe in that very "Twinkling of an eye" moment.  The Lord will summon His Bride (the Church) in that  awesome, one time only transformation, known as the Rapture.